Ready Move Ltd. is Ready to Go!

Our first blog post . . . so much to say! It's been such a journey to get here. Ready Move Ltd. began as a vague thought sometime last spring. One of those late nights, watching not much of anything on TV (okay it was probably The Goldbergs) and one of us said "do you think we should  start a moving company?". Ever since we'd hit a bump in the road back in January 2015 we'd done this dance many times. What would our new life look like? How could we make things work, for our family, our careers? We'd considered a lot of possibilities but nothing felt right. Aaron kept saying he was okay with giving up all those years of experience and trying something new. Yet he kept getting drawn back into moving, and everything else was not quite right. So we talked, and I researched (because that's what I do), and we talked some more, and started to make some plans. Then summer happened and, well . . . not much got done for a while. We got serious again in the fall, worked out the details and here we are! We're still sorting out exactly where we're going, but we're big fans of the slow and steady.

More to come . . . thanks for reading!