
Ready When You Are

We understand busy. Work, family, fun . . . fitting it all in AND finding time to move is not easy! If you're considering hiring movers, you already know the benefit of bringing in the pros. You'll save time (and your back) on the big day. But there's a lot of work to be done leading up to move day, too. There are all sorts of to do lists available online, including this one with some unique tips for getting ready. Tasks like setting up or transferring utilities, cable, internet, redirecting mail, signing papers with the bank or landlord often need to be taken care of during regular business hours, taking time away from work or family activities. We are committed to offering flexibility in the times we work. Evenings and weekends are always an option, at no extra charge. Whether it's an afternoon start time or mid-day while the kids are at school, we are happy to work around your schedule.

Consider as well, the time savings of having your home professionally packed. An average home can be packed from top to bottom in a single day. Having your belongings professionally packed also makes the move go faster! If you do want to pack, check out our Tips and Tricks to learn how to pack like the pros.

Getting Payd: Credit Card Payment Option

Did you know we take credit cards? This nifty little device called Payd turns our phones into card readers! Early on in setting up our business, we knew we wanted to be able to process credit card payments to give our customers more payment options. However it became one of those details that slipped through the cracks and less than two weeks to go before, a move a customer asked if we take credit cards. Oops! I frantically Googled and found a few options, then started to look at reviews. I thought we could use Paypal and set up an account, only to find that the Paypal card reader was not yet available in Canada. I looked at another well known option, but had some concerns with how their payment transfers worked. Finally, I went back to basics, got on the phone and called our bank. The super helpful folks at RBC Small Business Banking connected me with someone at Moneris and sure enough they had an option that would sync with our banking, AND could be ready to go in less than a week. We've been so happy to have Payd as an option to offer our customers, and it's just a fun piece of technology to play with!

Everyone Needs a (Good) Mover

It's March and one of these days spring will arrive, despite the snow warning issued for tomorrow! One of the monumental seasonal organizational tasks in our house is changing kids clothes out for bigger sizes and changing seasons. It helps that everything is in labelled bins in our basement storage room, but it's still a big job with three kids who just do Not. Stop. Growing. We are fortunate to have hand me downs from cousins, I buy clearance items off season, and we pass clothes down from the oldest. There's a constant stream of items going in and out of storage, and about twice a year we do a major overhaul. Last weekend we finished pulling out everyone's spring and summer clothes in the next sizes up, and this weekend we tackled re-organizing the bins, adding in the miscellaneous items we'd picked up along the way, and getting them back into storage. As we finished this process off in the living room, all of a sudden all FOUR bins are heading down the stairs and I am reminded once again . . . THIS is what a professional mover looks like. 

We often have this conversation. So many customers in the moving industry don't even know what they're missing. There is so much skill put into every job these guys do. THIS is the standard, the bar that they set. Strength. Balance. Efficiency. Experience.

I did the math. 4,160 moves. How many has your mover done?